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How to Write an Effective Blog Post


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The ability to write an effective blog post is important to any blog owner who wants to attract traffic and then encourage visitors to return. Compared to article writing or producing content for newsletters there are many similarities. However it is important to note there are some subtle differences you'll need to pay attention to when composing a blog post.

Here are 7 important things to consider when writing your blog post:

1) Useful Content

Be sure when you post on your blog, the content is useful or entertaining to your readers. If you've got nothing to say, search the web for content of interest and related to your blog theme. Post this and refer your source to.

2) Write Casually

Your posts should read like you speak, in a conversational tone and not like a formal report. Relax your readers by using language or expressions they're familiar. Also consider what type of reader you are speaking to and the age bracket they're and address them accordingly.

3) Address Your Readers Needs

Keep in mind whenever you're composing a post that your readers always look to see what they may gain from your writing. It may be humor, information, or even a sarcastic perspective but remember 'you are writing for your readers' and not yourself!

4) Keep it Brief

Your post should always be brief and to the point so as not to waste the time of your readers. Be clear on what it is you're trying to say. The last thing you want to do is put your readers thru some sort of 'mental gymnastics' every time they read your posts. They won't enjoy this and will stop visiting your blog as a result.

5) Put Life into Your Post

Write as if you're speaking with a close friend or family. Use expressions and statements that introduce feelings, humor, anger, or amazement to get your readers more involved. With this said however don't get so carried away that you become overly wordy; get your point across quickly and clearly.

6) Use Links

When you are referencing information from another source for your readers be sure to link to that site. You're letting the other site owner know you have referred your readers to their site, this is called a trackback. By doing so you're creating an association with other sites that may in turn link back to you in the future.

7) Don't Use Misleading Headlines

Your headlines should be clear on what the content of your post is about. Jazz it up a little to get reader attention but stay on target.

It is also recommended to use keywords both in your headline and within the body of your content. These keywords should be directly related to what it is your posting about. This will make it easier for anyone looking for content like you've posted to find it in their search results.

As you can see if you want to write an effective blog post you must ALWAYS consider what your reader wants and how do they want it! And of course remember to proofread your work before you publish it.


posted by mcdamas at 11:34 AM 0 comments

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The Art of Writing a Good Article


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IdeBagus - Web Design dan hosting untuk website Indonesia
We all can develop our profession and even achieve some success, but only few people become really famous for the work they do. That is because the quality of their work goes far beyond the normal standards. People who reach these high levels have special skills and big determination. Some of these features may come from birth, but continuous learning and practice play a big role.

Reading, writing and many other such things could be an example of work which many people prefer but not all do equally good work. Writing could be a hobby for some people. Writing poems, stories, autobiographies, etc. might seem very interesting for those who know and have the art of writing. Anyone can write, but we all aim to write as good as possible. Every poem, story or article has to show the feel which the writer had while writing it.

To write appropriately, we need the skill, interest and the art. This can be developed mainly by reading. Reading things which attract you could lead you to the correct path. Analyzing the material is very important. One has to know the qualities in the written material. One has to look at what the writer has to say to the readers.

Writing articles could seem very easy but is difficult in terms of expressing the actual feel we have while writing the article. Writing an article could be a medium to speak to others about the topic. It is a way to express our feelings while thinking and writing about a particular subject. All this needs interest to write. If one has interest to write, other qualities could be developed by many ways. Writing often and reading interesting articles and books related to your field can raise your intelectual level and help you write better.

All the above mentioned qualities combine together to be called as art of writing an article. One may develop the art of writing a good article because of his reading qualities, expressing qualities, thinking qualities, and also observing qualities. All these things are responsible for an outcome that an individual gives by writing on a topic. Not everyone has the art of writing properly.

A good article has to include one's ability to express what he thinks in form of writing. Observing various things would ultimately lead to good amount of thinking. For developing these qualities, one can take inspiration from great authors who have spent almost whole of their life in writing fabulous books.

Article would be read by the common people, thus writing an article for them would also include art of writing. One has to know what the common people prefer, what they would understand better, etc. Thus, taking inspiration from someone who has already done these things could be beneficial. An article can be written by anyone but to make it a good article one has to have the art of writing a good article.

Not everyone who writes had this art from birth. This art can be improved by various methods. Art of writing is very essential in expressing one's views, and thoughts. A good article would contain all the feelings, expressions, and thoughts that the writer had in his mind while writing.


posted by mcdamas at 6:25 AM 0 comments

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The Interdependent between Paid Blogging and Blog Advertising


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Are you in craze of making money online? There are so many ways available for you to make money online, ranging from joining ad programs, affiliates up to joining paid blogging programs. The latter is what you, bloggers, covet to it very much for it offers you easy job to earn money. Paid blogging is a program offering bloggers to get paid to blog. Bloggers write reviews on the products or services assigned to them and post the reviews on their blogs.

Who assigns bloggers to write the reviews? In paid blogging program, there are three parties involved, they are the advertisers, the paid blogging program brokers and the bloggers. The advertisers orders jobs to paid blogging brokers for their sites to be reviewed. The advertisers pay the advertising fee to the brokers. The brokers then recruit bloggers through get paid to blog program. The bloggers who meet the required criteria set up by the brokers are eligible to grab the opportunity to write the reviews. After the reviews are posted on bloggers' blogs, the bloggers submit them to the brokers. The brokers approve them and the bloggers get paid.

Such a mutual symbiosis in which the three parties are interdependent on each other is called blog advertising or blog marketing. Blog advertising is considered as very reliable for online marketing because it adopts the advertorial advertising approach which means that the advertisers promote their products or services through detail descriptive advertisement. By then, it is easier for the target market to perceive what products or services being promoted.

One of many paid blogging brokers which apparently grab high trust and is reliable is Payingpost.com. After being in the business for sometime, Payingpost.com introduces new layout of its homepage, which displays brief overviews of the program and is easier to navigate, to improve its service for both the advertisers and the bloggers.


posted by mcdamas at 10:01 AM 0 comments

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How to Write a Quality Product Review


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IdeBagus - Web Design dan hosting untuk website Indonesia

Product reviews are an exceptional tool to drive traffic to your own, or any other website. They are inherently valuable and provide benefit, which is exactly what readers and webmasters are looking for. When content provides a benefit, people will read it, forward it, and link to it. As an online marketer or website owner, product reviews in particular are a great way to drive traffic to your website via linking, reprints, and click-throughs.

Saying that, in order for a product review to be an effective traffic generation tool, it must also be believable. This means that if at all possible, consider actually purchasing or trying out the product. It's pretty much the only way to be completely knowledgeable about a product or service.

You also need to think creatively when reviewing. For example, a great product review for a hair removal system might actually have a series of reviews based on the ability of the product to remove or reduce hair over time. This type of review will most likely be linked to by many people because it is a real and demonstrative review of the product.

    Here are a few things you should consider when you're writing a review for a product or service.

    1. Take the time to be thorough in your review. Every review must answer these questions:

    * What does the product promise? * How well does it achieve those goals? * Is it a good value? * What are the drawbacks of the product? * Is the product easy to use? * How does the product compare to others on the market? * Would you buy or recommend the product? If yes, why? If no, why not?

    2. Compare multiple products for more effect. Sometimes it's easier to compare products than to simply evaluate one single product. When comparing products, it is important to remember a few things:

    * Compare the same types of products. * Compare similar attributes and features. * Be honest about any preferences you have for one or the other.

    3. Demonstrate information in a variety of ways. Can you incorporate graphics, pictures, or statistical data in your review? The more comparative information you can provide your reader, the better. Often, statistics are more easily understood when they're conveyed in a graph, a chart or a simple photo.

Put yourself in your reader's shoes. What would you want to know about the product or service? While it is important to be diplomatic in your reviews, it is also important to be tactfully honest. If your reviews are all positive all of the time, you're going to loses a bit of credibility. People want the drawbacks pointed out to them too. They want both sides of the coin.

Write your reviews conversationally. This means using language most people understand. Skip the jargon and tech talk. Use language that is friendly. Break the review up into easily digested sections.

Keep to one point per paragraph and keep the paragraphs short and easy to read. Taking the time to write your review for online reading makes it easier to read, and thus easier to print, publish, and link to.

posted by mcdamas at 11:18 AM 0 comments

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