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10 Most Recommended Paid Review Brokers


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IdeBagus - Web Design dan hosting untuk website Indonesia
For you, Bloggers, who want to maximize your potential earning from your blogging routines, the following ten paid review brokers are most recommended to join:

    This site is selling an article or review you write for an advertiser. You write a review for products/services and post it on your blog. The administrator notices you through your email anytime an advertiser approves your bids. That's why, you do not need to wait your review for approval once you post it on your blog. However, the advertiser requires you to meet what he or she wants you to include in the review. You can earn from $10 to $500+ for each review.

    Once your blog is approved, the administrator requires you to browse the job in the task assignment queue. So, you need to diligently visit the site to grab the opportunities. If you take the job, you write the advertisers want you to mention in your blog. The current payout rate for new accounts is $4 - $25 per entry.

    Smorty pays you from $6 to $100 for each review post you write and they pay-out weekly. What makes Smorty different form others is it allows you to have multiple blogs. Hence, your income earning potential is unlimited. The Pagerank of your blog determines how much you can earn.

    With ReviewMe, you can get paid around $20.00 to $200.00 per review. You take the job, control it and post it on your blog. Similar to Smorty, the Pagerank of your site matters for the amount of payment you can earn.

    This site is the pioneer of the "get paid to blog" concept. If you join PayPerPost, your potential income for each review is around $5 - $200. You do not need to bid but PPP decides if you are eligible for a project. However, after you post the review, you need to wait for it to be approved before PPP pays you.

    BuyBlogReviews.com requires you to bid the task assignments once your blog is approved by the administrator. You can earn from $2 up to $100 for each review you write. Similarly to PayPerPost, you are required to embed a badge saying that your post is a sponsored review.

    Bloggerwave is not as big as other paid review brokers for it lists fewer open job opportunties. But the site is super blogger-friendly and easy to to navigate. Here, you can get paid a minimum of $10 for each completed and approved post.

    Once you are approved to the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from advertisers to post about their news releases. You are paid per posting. The standard amount is per post is $5. This may vary depending on the sponsor. You must have a PayPal account in order to get paid with Blogitive.

    BloggingAds is different. They supply the advertisers, the text and the money, all you have to do is post the ad on your blog. They are looking for bloggers to post one-time ads on their blog sites for money.

    If your blog meets their requirements then you can make money blogging in their system and you can count on Payu2blog to deliver that consistent steady income from advertising on your blog.


posted by mcdamas at 8:45 AM 0 comments

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Tips for Writing a Paid Review Easily


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IdeBagus - Web Design dan hosting untuk website Indonesia
Paid review is a program most bloggers covet. By joining it, a blogger can realistically earn around $100 - $500 a month. That's why, paid review is a must-join program. However, not all bloggers are good at writing such a concise, straightforward and compact review an advertiser requires. In general, a review requires to be written in 50 up to 400 words. To help bloggers easily write it, here are some helpful tips for it;

    1. As soon as you get a project from an advertiser, see and understand what anchor text the advertiser requires you to include in the review.
    2. Then, click the advertiser's URL to see the site. Observe the site carefully from top to down. Find what the main or core product/service the site offers.
    3. After recognizing what the site is all about, brainstorm the ideas relating to the product/service, blend them with your experience of having used the product/service. If you haven't, imagine that you were the target market of the product/service or the marketing staff of the company.
    4. To start the paragraph effectively, you can use "a question", "a quotation", "a general statement relating to the product/service", or "your personal opinion about the product/service".
    5. If the review requires you to criticize or comment, you better use the word "we" as the subject in your review writing. If it asks you to promote or campaign the product/service, subject "you" is most appropriate. And if it needs you to simultaneously criticize and promote, "people/they" is a good subject for the writing.
    6. To keep your ideas flow on smoothly during writing, all you need to do is when you finish with a sentence, see the sentence and find the gist of it and explain the gist to be the next sentence. And do the same way for the next sentences. By doing so, I guarantee that you can complete a 300-word review in 10 or 15 minutes.
    7. After all is complete, scan the review you have just written for editing the misspelled words, wrong grammar, misplaced punctuation and incomplete URL for the anchor text. And most of all, you will get the idea of what "title" is best for the review.

Writing is not as Difficult as We Thought

Writing is actually " a piece of cake" job to do if we know how to do trickily. In writing, all we need is the wilderness of our mind in imagining, contemplating, brainstorming, browsing ideas or dramatizing the flow of events with diction.

In fact, some successful writers can never be apart from their life experience when composing their writing pieces. All what they do is dramatizing any event they encounter in their life with words, powerful words off course. It is almost impossible to write something in one hundred percent fictive. The fiction emerges, as a matter of fact, because of their tricking skill in setting up the figures, the setting and the flow.

If we really have a will to write, we can just start by composing all what we experience everyday little by little. We pile it up in such a way that one day we compile all that we have written by arranging in random order, then editing and revising the content and dramatizing the flow.

In short, all of us can be a writer of book, novel, poem, and the like as we all have the same thing we do in life: living the life and experiencing whatever coming across. By composing all those things in a way I have mentioned above, writing a novel, for example, is not impossible no more.

Other Tips

1. Fifty (50!) Tools which can help you in Writing
2. Basics of Writing to Power Your Mind


posted by mcdamas at 9:07 AM 0 comments

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Contact of Jasa Tulis Menulis


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Bila anda membutuhkan bantuan kami untuk urusan tulis-menulis atau terjemah dari bahasa
Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris atau sebaliknya, silahkan hubungi kami:


Jl. Rawamangun Muka Selatan I No.1 RT 007/013

Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220

Dan bila anda mempunyai pertanyaan menyangkut layanan kami,

silahkan hubungi kami melalui email: mcdamas99@yahoo.com atau ask2write@gmail.com

posted by mcdamas at 1:03 PM 0 comments

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Selamat datang di Ask2Write dan Terima Kasih atas kunjungan anda.

Ask2Write adalah penyedia jasa tulis-menulis yang professional dan berpengalaman. Kami mengerjakan jasa penulisan atau penerjemahan artikel, web content, tugas essay, thesis, disertasi, company profile, proposal, dan sejenisnya. Dalam setiap pengerjaan order anda, profesionalisme adalah hal yang utama. Oleh sebab itu, fee yang anda bayarkan kepada kami adalah bukti bahwa kami bekerja dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

Pengalaman kami bergelut dalam dunia tulis-menulis dan bahasa Inggris selama lebih dari 15 tahun menjadikan kami paham dan menguasai bidang kami secara mendalam dan tak perlu diragukan. Kami mengerjakan order anda dengan standar "Quality First" dengan tetap mendasarkan pada “First Come First Served”.

Maka, bila anda membutuhkan jasa kami untuk urusan tulis-menulis, silahkan kirim ke alamat kami atau kirim langsung ke email: ask2write@gmail.com

Versi bahasa Inggris di bawah ini semata-mata untuk menunjukkan bahwa kami memang menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

    Welcome to Ask2Write and Thank you for your visit.

    Ask2Write is a professional and well-experienced writing and translation service provider. We value professionalism highly in doing this business. So, the fee you pay to us for every work you order is to show that we do the job responsibly.

    Furthermore, our commitment to “Quality First” which we blend with our long experience in writing and in English language teaching (since 1990) guarantees that our work will surely meet your expectation. It is our expertise that counts; quality is everything in all we do for you.

    After all, we treat all your orders seriously and equally on “First Comes First Served” basis to meet our service excellence standard.

    So, if you need our service, do not hesitate to send us your order or to contact us.

posted by mcdamas at 11:27 AM 2 comments

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Sending Order

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1. Kirim Order

Silahkan kirimkan order anda ke ask2write@gmail.com

2. Kirim CD data

Untuk pekerjaan Rewriting dan Translating (yang berjumlah banyak), silahkan kirim

CD-ROM anda atau yang sejenisnya ke:


Jl. Rawamangun Muka Selatan I No.1 RT 007/013

Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220


posted by mcdamas at 11:16 AM 0 comments

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About Us

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Saya adalah orang biasa yang suka dengan nickname mcdamas. Hobbi saya membaca, menulis dan traveling. Pekerjaan sehari-hari saya adalah menulis dan mengajar bahasa Inggris di sebuah institusi bahasa Inggris terbesar di Indonesia yang telah saya jalani sejak tahun 1990.
Disamping memiliki pengalaman yang memadai dalam hal bahasa Inggris, saya juga memiliki pengalaman sebagai reporter radio, penulis untuk koran dan majalah, international marketing officer, TOEFL trainer, English Presentation trainer, translator dan webmaster.

Bersama sebuah tim, saya menawarkan jasa tulis-menulis kepada anda untuk membantu pekerjaan anda dan sekaligus mencari uang. Saat ini saya mengelola beberapa blog, antara lain; bucksfreak, paidnetpedia, hollywoodpeak, pastou, mcidea dan mcEnglishEasy.

Salam Sejahtera
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan anda

    I am just an ordinary man who prefers to nickname myself with mcdamas. I like reading, writing and traveling. My daily routines are writing and teaching English, which I have done since 1990, at the biggest English institute in Indonesia.

    In addition to my teaching experience, I also possess some other experiences in being a radio reporter, newspaper and magazine writer, international marketing officer, translator, TOEFL trainer, English Presentation trainer and webmaster.

    With a team, I provide this writing service to help you get your work done well and to earn money as well. At present, I manage some webblogs of my own like bucksfreak, paidnetpedia, hollywoodpeak, pastou, mcidea and mcEnglishEasy.

    Best regards,
    Thank you for your trust

posted by mcdamas at 11:06 AM 0 comments

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Writing Service and Fee

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  • Penting! Mulai 1 November 2010, tarif naik!

Jenis Tulisan
Untuk Fee Lewat PayPal
Untuk Fee  Transfer BCA
1. Artikel/Web Content
200 kata

300 kata

400 kata






2. Paid Review 50 – 200 kata
250 – 400 kata
450 – 500 kata
550 – 600 kata
3. Essay tugas Kuliah/Sekolah 500 kata
750 kata
1000 kata
4. Proposal Disertasi 1 proposal
Edit, Revise, Proofread*

1. Artikel

2. Thesis

3. Disertasi

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman









6. ProofReading** Per 1 halaman

1. Artikel

2. Dokumen**

3. Thesis**

4. Disertasi**

5. Company Profile*

6. Proposal Tender*

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman

Per 1 halaman













Indonesia ke Inggris

Indonesia ke Inggris

Indonesia ke Inggris

Indonesia ke Inggris

Indonesia ke Inggris

Indonesia ke Inggris
  • Untuk terjemahan, tarif berlaku untuk per halaman hasil.
  • Bila bayar lewat PayPal, tarif pakai $, PP Account : ask2write@gmail.com
  • Bila transfer lewat bank (BCA), tarif pakai Rupiah transfer ke BCA No. Rek. 094 804 9310
  • Untuk anda, “Quality First”. Jadi grammar, spelling dan punctuation untuk semua order yang kami kerjakan dijamin OK dan berstandar TOEFL.
* Demi efisiensi, untuk order Rewriting dan Translating yang jumlahnya
banyak, kami mohon data dikirim dalam bentuk CD ke alamat kami di sini.
Rahasia dijamin.
**ProofReading meliputi; pekerjaan editing, menyempurnakan kalimat, mengoreksi grammar, spelling dan punctuation (tanda baca).

  • Untuk yang melalui PayPal, Account :ask2write@gmail.com
  • Bila anda belum memiliki PayPal Account, silahkan daftar di sini. Gratis!!!
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posted by mcdamas at 10:58 AM 0 comments

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