10 Ways to Use 10 Minutes the Most

Surprise! A little pocket of time has popped up in your working day. What are you going to do with it? Of course, sometimes doing nothing at all can be just what you need but it's useful to have a strategy up your sleeve to make the most of those times when you're in the waiting room, on hold, or when your client is running late.
1. Be prepared for unexpected pockets of time and clear your mind of nagging to-do's by keeping a running list of 10-minute tasks that you'd like to get done. When you have the time and inclination, pick one and do it! If you are likely to be stuck waiting, be prepared so that you can use the time to update your diary, catch up on that reading, or whatever it is that needs to be done.
2. Make that phone call, send that email - you know that putting it off will drive you crazy. Loose ends wear down your energy and concentration and most of them can be tied up surprisingly quickly.
3. Brainstorm! Choose an area you would like to improve on for example ways to promote your business, cut costs, or add value for existing clients. Take 10 minutes and write down any ideas you can think of. Don't censor yourself; just write down any ideas you can come up with in 10 minutes. When your time is up, sort through the ideas, pick one (or a few) and commit to action.
4. Spring clean your computer files and clear your inbox. You'd be surprised how much useless information is floating around on your hard-drive. Once you have set up a file management system it will only take a few minutes to spring clean your computer and you will avoid hours of frustrating searches for lost documents.
5. Write a thank you note or email to someone who has added value in some way, either in your business or personal life. Thank your assistant, the seminar presenter, your kids, your spouse or a friend. Let them know why you appreciate what they do.
6. Make a 10-minute start on that big project. Even the most daunting tasks can be broken into bite-sized pieces for easier digestion. You know that once you get started you will gain momentum, so commit to making a start, however small.
7. Write a list of 10 - 10 things you are good at, 10 achievements or successes that you are proud of, 10 reasons you are in business. Keep it on hand for those times when you need a boost.
8. Pass on some useful information - sharing your resources is a great way to add value for clients and enhance your networking efforts. Send on a website address, phone number, e-letter, or article to someone who will find it interesting or helpful.
9. Rejuvenate with a walk, drink some water, stretch, meditate or pray. We all need to boost our reserves so take 10 minutes to regroup and recharge.
10. Clear your desk and empty your rubbish bin - a cluttered workspace makes focusing on the task at hand more difficult that it needs to be. As a guide, the more you use it, the closer it should be. If you use it everyday (or you are working on it today) it can live on or in your desk. If you haven't used it in the last 12 months it can be very far away - at an op-shop, someone else's office, or the dump, for example!
Labels: Tips
posted by mcdamas at 9:31 AM
thanks for the tips, very useful. i believe it works.
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